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Couverture Spa sur mesure

Configurez la couverture thermique Spa idéale pour votre jacuzzi. Cette bâche de protection isolante sera fabriquée spécialement pour vous sur-mesure, et livrée à votre domicile sous 16 semaines maximum

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16 semaines de délais minimum pour la fabrication et livraison de votre couverture thermique sur-mesure.

Découvrir nos couvertures standards

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Be Spa vous propose 6 modèles différents pour une parfaite adaptation à votre spa. L'ensemble des mesures (A, B,...) est nécessaire pour le modèle choisi. Pour le modèle 5, vous devrez par exemple renseigner la valeur "Z" correspondant à l'angle de votre spa.

[article_text41] => 11231,11232,11236,11234,11237,11233,11235 [article_text42] =>

7 coloris disponibles pour une personnalisation optimale :

[article_text43] => [article_text44] => [article_text45] => [article_text46] => [article_text47] => 15 [article_text48] => 11084,11083 [article_text49] => [article_text50] => Marque de votre spa [article_text51] => [article_text52] => 10829 [article_text53] => Modèle de votre spa [article_text54] => [article_text55] => [article_text56] => Epaisseur 6-10cm [article_text57] =>

6cm sur les bords et 10cm au centre
La plus populaire

[article_text58] => Epaisseur 9-12cm [article_text59] =>

9cm sur les bords et 12cm au centre
Spécialement recommandée pour les installations en extérieur
dans les régions soumises à des chutes de neige importantes.

[article_text60] => [article_text61] => Epaisseur 10-15cm [article_text62] =>

10cm sur les bords et 15cm au centre
Spécialement conçue pour les couvertures
supérieures à 241cm ainsi que pour les SPAS DE NAGE

[article_text63] =>

Vous n'êtes pas sur de vos mesures ?
Vous avez besoin d'aide ?
Contacter notre équipe !
02 43 24 09 90

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modèle 1 - Epaisseur 9-12cm [variant_order] => 10409 [variant_activate] => 1 [variant_description] => [variant_reference] => CMHS [variant_code_ean] => [variant_code_sku] => [variant_stock_illimited] => 1 [variant_stock] => -1 [variant_weight] => 30000 [tax_id] => 1 [variant_tax_rate] => 20.00 [variant_buying_price_ex_vat] => 0.00 [variant_price_ex_vat] => 129.50000 [variant_price_inc_vat] => 155.40 [variant_eco_tax] => 0.00 [variant_price_discount_ex_vat] => 0.00000 [variant_price_discount_inc_vat] => 0.00 [variant_discount_rate] => 0.00000 [variant_illustration] => 11875 [variant_media] => [variant_text1] => 1 [variant_text2] => 1 [variant_text3] => 1 [variant_text4] => 0 [variant_text5] => 0 [variant_text6] => 0 [variant_text7] => 0 [variant_text8] => epaisseur_9_12 [article_id] => 5366 [variant_discount_start_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_discount_end_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_degressive_price_activate] => 1 [variant_degressive_price] => [variant_group_discount] => 14:30|15:30|16:30|19:30|20:30|21:30|22:30 [illustration] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_comment] => Modèle Couverture sur-mesure Forme 1 Be Spa [media_id] => 11875 [media_name] => couverture-sur-mesure-be-spa-forme-1.webp ) ) [rupture] => 0 [stock] => 100 [promotion] => non [prix_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_ttc] => 155.40 [prix_hors_promo_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_hors_promo_ttc] => 155.40 [discount_rate] => 1 [tableau_prix_degressif_base] => Array ( ) [tableau_prix_degressif] => Array ( ) [tableau_remise_groupe] => Array ( [14] => Array ( [groupe] => 14 [taux] => 30 ) [15] => Array ( [groupe] => 15 [taux] => 30 ) [16] => Array ( [groupe] => 16 [taux] => 30 ) [19] => Array ( [groupe] => 19 [taux] => 30 ) [20] => Array ( [groupe] => 20 [taux] => 30 ) [21] => Array ( [groupe] => 21 [taux] => 30 ) [22] => Array ( [groupe] => 22 [taux] => 30 ) ) [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ttc] => 155.40 [prix_remise_groupe_ht] => 0 [prix_remise_groupe_ttc] => 0 [remise_groupe_taux] => ) [7] => Array ( [variant_id] => 10410 [variant_insert_date] => 2024-03-29 16:11:14 [variant_update_date] => 2025-02-12 10:17:15 [variant_name] => Couverture sur mesure - modèle 2 - Epaisseur 9-12cm [variant_order] => 10410 [variant_activate] => 1 [variant_description] => [variant_reference] => CMHS [variant_code_ean] => [variant_code_sku] => [variant_stock_illimited] => 1 [variant_stock] => -1 [variant_weight] => 30000 [tax_id] => 1 [variant_tax_rate] => 20.00 [variant_buying_price_ex_vat] => 0.00 [variant_price_ex_vat] => 129.50000 [variant_price_inc_vat] => 155.40 [variant_eco_tax] => 0.00 [variant_price_discount_ex_vat] => 0.00000 [variant_price_discount_inc_vat] => 0.00 [variant_discount_rate] => 0.00000 [variant_illustration] => 11876 [variant_media] => [variant_text1] => 2 [variant_text2] => 1 [variant_text3] => 1 [variant_text4] => 0 [variant_text5] => 0 [variant_text6] => 0 [variant_text7] => 1 [variant_text8] => epaisseur_9_12 [article_id] => 5366 [variant_discount_start_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_discount_end_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_degressive_price_activate] => 1 [variant_degressive_price] => [variant_group_discount] => 14:30|15:30|16:30|19:30|20:30|21:30|22:30 [illustration] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_comment] => Modèle Couverture sur-mesure Forme 2 Be Spa [media_id] => 11876 [media_name] => couverture-sur-mesure-be-spa-forme-2.webp ) ) [rupture] => 0 [stock] => 100 [promotion] => non [prix_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_ttc] => 155.40 [prix_hors_promo_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_hors_promo_ttc] => 155.40 [discount_rate] => 1 [tableau_prix_degressif_base] => Array ( ) [tableau_prix_degressif] => Array ( ) [tableau_remise_groupe] => Array ( [14] => Array ( [groupe] => 14 [taux] => 30 ) [15] => Array ( [groupe] => 15 [taux] => 30 ) [16] => Array ( [groupe] => 16 [taux] => 30 ) [19] => Array ( [groupe] => 19 [taux] => 30 ) [20] => Array ( [groupe] => 20 [taux] => 30 ) [21] => Array ( [groupe] => 21 [taux] => 30 ) [22] => Array ( [groupe] => 22 [taux] => 30 ) ) [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ttc] => 155.40 [prix_remise_groupe_ht] => 0 [prix_remise_groupe_ttc] => 0 [remise_groupe_taux] => ) [8] => Array ( [variant_id] => 10411 [variant_insert_date] => 2024-03-29 16:11:14 [variant_update_date] => 2025-02-12 10:17:15 [variant_name] => Couverture sur mesure - modèle 3 - Epaisseur 9-12cm [variant_order] => 10411 [variant_activate] => 1 [variant_description] => [variant_reference] => CMHS [variant_code_ean] => [variant_code_sku] => [variant_stock_illimited] => 1 [variant_stock] => 0 [variant_weight] => 30000 [tax_id] => 1 [variant_tax_rate] => 20.00 [variant_buying_price_ex_vat] => 0.00 [variant_price_ex_vat] => 129.50000 [variant_price_inc_vat] => 155.40 [variant_eco_tax] => 0.00 [variant_price_discount_ex_vat] => 0.00000 [variant_price_discount_inc_vat] => 0.00 [variant_discount_rate] => 0.00000 [variant_illustration] => 11877 [variant_media] => [variant_text1] => 3 [variant_text2] => 1 [variant_text3] => 0 [variant_text4] => 0 [variant_text5] => 0 [variant_text6] => 0 [variant_text7] => 0 [variant_text8] => epaisseur_9_12 [article_id] => 5366 [variant_discount_start_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_discount_end_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_degressive_price_activate] => 1 [variant_degressive_price] => [variant_group_discount] => 14:30|15:30|16:30|19:30|20:30|21:30|22:30 [illustration] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_comment] => Modèle Couverture sur-mesure Forme 3 Be Spa [media_id] => 11877 [media_name] => couverture-sur-mesure-be-spa-forme-3.webp ) ) [rupture] => 0 [stock] => 100 [promotion] => non [prix_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_ttc] => 155.40 [prix_hors_promo_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_hors_promo_ttc] => 155.40 [discount_rate] => 1 [tableau_prix_degressif_base] => Array ( ) [tableau_prix_degressif] => Array ( ) [tableau_remise_groupe] => Array ( [14] => Array ( [groupe] => 14 [taux] => 30 ) [15] => Array ( [groupe] => 15 [taux] => 30 ) [16] => Array ( [groupe] => 16 [taux] => 30 ) [19] => Array ( [groupe] => 19 [taux] => 30 ) [20] => Array ( [groupe] => 20 [taux] => 30 ) [21] => Array ( [groupe] => 21 [taux] => 30 ) [22] => Array ( [groupe] => 22 [taux] => 30 ) ) [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ttc] => 155.40 [prix_remise_groupe_ht] => 0 [prix_remise_groupe_ttc] => 0 [remise_groupe_taux] => ) [9] => Array ( [variant_id] => 10412 [variant_insert_date] => 2024-03-29 16:11:14 [variant_update_date] => 2025-02-12 10:17:15 [variant_name] => Couverture sur mesure - modèle 4 - Epaisseur 9-12cm [variant_order] => 10412 [variant_activate] => 1 [variant_description] => [variant_reference] => CMHS [variant_code_ean] => [variant_code_sku] => [variant_stock_illimited] => 1 [variant_stock] => 0 [variant_weight] => 30000 [tax_id] => 1 [variant_tax_rate] => 20.00 [variant_buying_price_ex_vat] => 0.00 [variant_price_ex_vat] => 129.50000 [variant_price_inc_vat] => 155.40 [variant_eco_tax] => 0.00 [variant_price_discount_ex_vat] => 0.00000 [variant_price_discount_inc_vat] => 0.00 [variant_discount_rate] => 0.00000 [variant_illustration] => 11878 [variant_media] => [variant_text1] => 4 [variant_text2] => 1 [variant_text3] => 1 [variant_text4] => 1 [variant_text5] => 0 [variant_text6] => 0 [variant_text7] => 0 [variant_text8] => epaisseur_9_12 [article_id] => 5366 [variant_discount_start_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_discount_end_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_degressive_price_activate] => 1 [variant_degressive_price] => [variant_group_discount] => 14:30|15:30|16:30|19:30|20:30|21:30|22:30 [illustration] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_comment] => Modèle Couverture sur-mesure Forme 4 Be Spa [media_id] => 11878 [media_name] => couverture-sur-mesure-be-spa-forme-4.webp ) ) [rupture] => 0 [stock] => 100 [promotion] => non [prix_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_ttc] => 155.40 [prix_hors_promo_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_hors_promo_ttc] => 155.40 [discount_rate] => 1 [tableau_prix_degressif_base] => Array ( ) [tableau_prix_degressif] => Array ( ) [tableau_remise_groupe] => Array ( [14] => Array ( [groupe] => 14 [taux] => 30 ) [15] => Array ( [groupe] => 15 [taux] => 30 ) [16] => Array ( [groupe] => 16 [taux] => 30 ) [19] => Array ( [groupe] => 19 [taux] => 30 ) [20] => Array ( [groupe] => 20 [taux] => 30 ) [21] => Array ( [groupe] => 21 [taux] => 30 ) [22] => Array ( [groupe] => 22 [taux] => 30 ) ) [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ttc] => 155.40 [prix_remise_groupe_ht] => 0 [prix_remise_groupe_ttc] => 0 [remise_groupe_taux] => ) [10] => Array ( [variant_id] => 10413 [variant_insert_date] => 2024-03-29 16:11:14 [variant_update_date] => 2025-02-12 10:17:15 [variant_name] => Couverture sur mesure - modèle 5 - Epaisseur 9-12cm [variant_order] => 10413 [variant_activate] => 1 [variant_description] => [variant_reference] => CMHS [variant_code_ean] => [variant_code_sku] => [variant_stock_illimited] => 1 [variant_stock] => 0 [variant_weight] => 30000 [tax_id] => 1 [variant_tax_rate] => 20.00 [variant_buying_price_ex_vat] => 0.00 [variant_price_ex_vat] => 129.50000 [variant_price_inc_vat] => 155.40 [variant_eco_tax] => 0.00 [variant_price_discount_ex_vat] => 0.00000 [variant_price_discount_inc_vat] => 0.00 [variant_discount_rate] => 0.00000 [variant_illustration] => 11879 [variant_media] => [variant_text1] => 5 [variant_text2] => 1 [variant_text3] => 1 [variant_text4] => 1 [variant_text5] => 1 [variant_text6] => 1 [variant_text7] => 0 [variant_text8] => epaisseur_9_12 [article_id] => 5366 [variant_discount_start_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_discount_end_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_degressive_price_activate] => 1 [variant_degressive_price] => [variant_group_discount] => 14:30|15:30|16:30|19:30|20:30|21:30|22:30 [illustration] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_comment] => Modèle Couverture sur-mesure Forme 5 Be Spa [media_id] => 11879 [media_name] => couverture-sur-mesure-be-spa-forme-5.webp ) ) [rupture] => 0 [stock] => 100 [promotion] => non [prix_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_ttc] => 155.40 [prix_hors_promo_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_hors_promo_ttc] => 155.40 [discount_rate] => 1 [tableau_prix_degressif_base] => Array ( ) [tableau_prix_degressif] => Array ( ) [tableau_remise_groupe] => Array ( [14] => Array ( [groupe] => 14 [taux] => 30 ) [15] => Array ( [groupe] => 15 [taux] => 30 ) [16] => Array ( [groupe] => 16 [taux] => 30 ) [19] => Array ( [groupe] => 19 [taux] => 30 ) [20] => Array ( [groupe] => 20 [taux] => 30 ) [21] => Array ( [groupe] => 21 [taux] => 30 ) [22] => Array ( [groupe] => 22 [taux] => 30 ) ) [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ttc] => 155.40 [prix_remise_groupe_ht] => 0 [prix_remise_groupe_ttc] => 0 [remise_groupe_taux] => ) [11] => Array ( [variant_id] => 10414 [variant_insert_date] => 2024-03-29 16:11:14 [variant_update_date] => 2025-02-12 10:17:15 [variant_name] => Couverture sur mesure - modèle 6 - Epaisseur 9-12cm [variant_order] => 10414 [variant_activate] => 1 [variant_description] => [variant_reference] => CMHS [variant_code_ean] => [variant_code_sku] => [variant_stock_illimited] => 1 [variant_stock] => 0 [variant_weight] => 30000 [tax_id] => 1 [variant_tax_rate] => 20.00 [variant_buying_price_ex_vat] => 0.00 [variant_price_ex_vat] => 129.50000 [variant_price_inc_vat] => 155.40 [variant_eco_tax] => 0.00 [variant_price_discount_ex_vat] => 0.00000 [variant_price_discount_inc_vat] => 0.00 [variant_discount_rate] => 0.00000 [variant_illustration] => 11880 [variant_media] => [variant_text1] => 6 [variant_text2] => 1 [variant_text3] => 1 [variant_text4] => 1 [variant_text5] => 1 [variant_text6] => 1 [variant_text7] => 0 [variant_text8] => epaisseur_9_12 [article_id] => 5366 [variant_discount_start_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_discount_end_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_degressive_price_activate] => 1 [variant_degressive_price] => [variant_group_discount] => 14:30|15:30|16:30|19:30|20:30|21:30|22:30 [illustration] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_comment] => Modèle Couverture sur-mesure Forme 6 Be Spa [media_id] => 11880 [media_name] => couverture-sur-mesure-be-spa-forme-6.webp ) ) [rupture] => 0 [stock] => 100 [promotion] => non [prix_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_ttc] => 155.40 [prix_hors_promo_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_hors_promo_ttc] => 155.40 [discount_rate] => 1 [tableau_prix_degressif_base] => Array ( ) [tableau_prix_degressif] => Array ( ) [tableau_remise_groupe] => Array ( [14] => Array ( [groupe] => 14 [taux] => 30 ) [15] => Array ( [groupe] => 15 [taux] => 30 ) [16] => Array ( [groupe] => 16 [taux] => 30 ) [19] => Array ( [groupe] => 19 [taux] => 30 ) [20] => Array ( [groupe] => 20 [taux] => 30 ) [21] => Array ( [groupe] => 21 [taux] => 30 ) [22] => Array ( [groupe] => 22 [taux] => 30 ) ) [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ht] => 129.50000 [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ttc] => 155.40 [prix_remise_groupe_ht] => 0 [prix_remise_groupe_ttc] => 0 [remise_groupe_taux] => ) [12] => Array ( [variant_id] => 10465 [variant_insert_date] => 2024-03-29 16:11:14 [variant_update_date] => 2025-02-12 10:17:15 [variant_name] => Couverture sur mesure - modèle 1 - Epaisseur 10-15cm [variant_order] => 10465 [variant_activate] => 1 [variant_description] => [variant_reference] => CMHS [variant_code_ean] => [variant_code_sku] => [variant_stock_illimited] => 1 [variant_stock] => 0 [variant_weight] => 30000 [tax_id] => 1 [variant_tax_rate] => 20.00 [variant_buying_price_ex_vat] => 0.00 [variant_price_ex_vat] => 140.00000 [variant_price_inc_vat] => 168.00 [variant_eco_tax] => 0.00 [variant_price_discount_ex_vat] => 0.00000 [variant_price_discount_inc_vat] => 0.00 [variant_discount_rate] => 0.00000 [variant_illustration] => 11875 [variant_media] => [variant_text1] => 1 [variant_text2] => 1 [variant_text3] => 1 [variant_text4] => 0 [variant_text5] => 0 [variant_text6] => 0 [variant_text7] => 0 [variant_text8] => epaisseur_10_15 [article_id] => 5366 [variant_discount_start_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_discount_end_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_degressive_price_activate] => 1 [variant_degressive_price] => [variant_group_discount] => 14:30|15:30|16:30|19:30|20:30|21:30|22:30 [illustration] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_comment] => Modèle Couverture sur-mesure Forme 1 Be Spa [media_id] => 11875 [media_name] => couverture-sur-mesure-be-spa-forme-1.webp ) ) [rupture] => 0 [stock] => 100 [promotion] => non [prix_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_ttc] => 168.00 [prix_hors_promo_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_hors_promo_ttc] => 168.00 [discount_rate] => 1 [tableau_prix_degressif_base] => Array ( ) [tableau_prix_degressif] => Array ( ) [tableau_remise_groupe] => Array ( [14] => Array ( [groupe] => 14 [taux] => 30 ) [15] => Array ( [groupe] => 15 [taux] => 30 ) [16] => Array ( [groupe] => 16 [taux] => 30 ) [19] => Array ( [groupe] => 19 [taux] => 30 ) [20] => Array ( [groupe] => 20 [taux] => 30 ) [21] => Array ( [groupe] => 21 [taux] => 30 ) [22] => Array ( [groupe] => 22 [taux] => 30 ) ) [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ttc] => 168.00 [prix_remise_groupe_ht] => 0 [prix_remise_groupe_ttc] => 0 [remise_groupe_taux] => ) [13] => Array ( [variant_id] => 10466 [variant_insert_date] => 2024-03-29 16:11:14 [variant_update_date] => 2025-02-12 10:17:15 [variant_name] => Couverture sur mesure - modèle 2 - Epaisseur 10-15cm [variant_order] => 10466 [variant_activate] => 1 [variant_description] => [variant_reference] => CMHS [variant_code_ean] => [variant_code_sku] => [variant_stock_illimited] => 1 [variant_stock] => 0 [variant_weight] => 30000 [tax_id] => 1 [variant_tax_rate] => 20.00 [variant_buying_price_ex_vat] => 0.00 [variant_price_ex_vat] => 140.00000 [variant_price_inc_vat] => 168.00 [variant_eco_tax] => 0.00 [variant_price_discount_ex_vat] => 0.00000 [variant_price_discount_inc_vat] => 0.00 [variant_discount_rate] => 0.00000 [variant_illustration] => 11876 [variant_media] => [variant_text1] => 2 [variant_text2] => 1 [variant_text3] => 1 [variant_text4] => 0 [variant_text5] => 0 [variant_text6] => 0 [variant_text7] => 1 [variant_text8] => epaisseur_10_15 [article_id] => 5366 [variant_discount_start_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_discount_end_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_degressive_price_activate] => 1 [variant_degressive_price] => [variant_group_discount] => 14:30|15:30|16:30|19:30|20:30|21:30|22:30 [illustration] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_comment] => Modèle Couverture sur-mesure Forme 2 Be Spa [media_id] => 11876 [media_name] => couverture-sur-mesure-be-spa-forme-2.webp ) ) [rupture] => 0 [stock] => 100 [promotion] => non [prix_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_ttc] => 168.00 [prix_hors_promo_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_hors_promo_ttc] => 168.00 [discount_rate] => 1 [tableau_prix_degressif_base] => Array ( ) [tableau_prix_degressif] => Array ( ) [tableau_remise_groupe] => Array ( [14] => Array ( [groupe] => 14 [taux] => 30 ) [15] => Array ( [groupe] => 15 [taux] => 30 ) [16] => Array ( [groupe] => 16 [taux] => 30 ) [19] => Array ( [groupe] => 19 [taux] => 30 ) [20] => Array ( [groupe] => 20 [taux] => 30 ) [21] => Array ( [groupe] => 21 [taux] => 30 ) [22] => Array ( [groupe] => 22 [taux] => 30 ) ) [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ttc] => 168.00 [prix_remise_groupe_ht] => 0 [prix_remise_groupe_ttc] => 0 [remise_groupe_taux] => ) [14] => Array ( [variant_id] => 10467 [variant_insert_date] => 2024-03-29 16:11:14 [variant_update_date] => 2025-02-12 10:17:15 [variant_name] => Couverture sur mesure - modèle 3 - Epaisseur 10-15cm [variant_order] => 10467 [variant_activate] => 1 [variant_description] => [variant_reference] => CMHS [variant_code_ean] => [variant_code_sku] => [variant_stock_illimited] => 1 [variant_stock] => 0 [variant_weight] => 30000 [tax_id] => 1 [variant_tax_rate] => 20.00 [variant_buying_price_ex_vat] => 0.00 [variant_price_ex_vat] => 140.00000 [variant_price_inc_vat] => 168.00 [variant_eco_tax] => 0.00 [variant_price_discount_ex_vat] => 0.00000 [variant_price_discount_inc_vat] => 0.00 [variant_discount_rate] => 0.00000 [variant_illustration] => 11877 [variant_media] => [variant_text1] => 3 [variant_text2] => 1 [variant_text3] => 0 [variant_text4] => 0 [variant_text5] => 0 [variant_text6] => 0 [variant_text7] => 0 [variant_text8] => epaisseur_10_15 [article_id] => 5366 [variant_discount_start_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_discount_end_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_degressive_price_activate] => 1 [variant_degressive_price] => [variant_group_discount] => 14:30|15:30|16:30|19:30|20:30|21:30|22:30 [illustration] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_comment] => Modèle Couverture sur-mesure Forme 3 Be Spa [media_id] => 11877 [media_name] => couverture-sur-mesure-be-spa-forme-3.webp ) ) [rupture] => 0 [stock] => 100 [promotion] => non [prix_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_ttc] => 168.00 [prix_hors_promo_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_hors_promo_ttc] => 168.00 [discount_rate] => 1 [tableau_prix_degressif_base] => Array ( ) [tableau_prix_degressif] => Array ( ) [tableau_remise_groupe] => Array ( [14] => Array ( [groupe] => 14 [taux] => 30 ) [15] => Array ( [groupe] => 15 [taux] => 30 ) [16] => Array ( [groupe] => 16 [taux] => 30 ) [19] => Array ( [groupe] => 19 [taux] => 30 ) [20] => Array ( [groupe] => 20 [taux] => 30 ) [21] => Array ( [groupe] => 21 [taux] => 30 ) [22] => Array ( [groupe] => 22 [taux] => 30 ) ) [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ttc] => 168.00 [prix_remise_groupe_ht] => 0 [prix_remise_groupe_ttc] => 0 [remise_groupe_taux] => ) [15] => Array ( [variant_id] => 10468 [variant_insert_date] => 2024-03-29 16:11:14 [variant_update_date] => 2025-02-12 10:17:15 [variant_name] => Couverture sur mesure - modèle 4 - Epaisseur 10-15cm [variant_order] => 10468 [variant_activate] => 1 [variant_description] => [variant_reference] => CMHS [variant_code_ean] => [variant_code_sku] => [variant_stock_illimited] => 1 [variant_stock] => 0 [variant_weight] => 30000 [tax_id] => 1 [variant_tax_rate] => 20.00 [variant_buying_price_ex_vat] => 0.00 [variant_price_ex_vat] => 140.00000 [variant_price_inc_vat] => 168.00 [variant_eco_tax] => 0.00 [variant_price_discount_ex_vat] => 0.00000 [variant_price_discount_inc_vat] => 0.00 [variant_discount_rate] => 0.00000 [variant_illustration] => 11878 [variant_media] => [variant_text1] => 4 [variant_text2] => 1 [variant_text3] => 1 [variant_text4] => 1 [variant_text5] => 0 [variant_text6] => 0 [variant_text7] => 0 [variant_text8] => epaisseur_10_15 [article_id] => 5366 [variant_discount_start_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_discount_end_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_degressive_price_activate] => 1 [variant_degressive_price] => [variant_group_discount] => 14:30|15:30|16:30|19:30|20:30|21:30|22:30 [illustration] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_comment] => Modèle Couverture sur-mesure Forme 4 Be Spa [media_id] => 11878 [media_name] => couverture-sur-mesure-be-spa-forme-4.webp ) ) [rupture] => 0 [stock] => 100 [promotion] => non [prix_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_ttc] => 168.00 [prix_hors_promo_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_hors_promo_ttc] => 168.00 [discount_rate] => 1 [tableau_prix_degressif_base] => Array ( ) [tableau_prix_degressif] => Array ( ) [tableau_remise_groupe] => Array ( [14] => Array ( [groupe] => 14 [taux] => 30 ) [15] => Array ( [groupe] => 15 [taux] => 30 ) [16] => Array ( [groupe] => 16 [taux] => 30 ) [19] => Array ( [groupe] => 19 [taux] => 30 ) [20] => Array ( [groupe] => 20 [taux] => 30 ) [21] => Array ( [groupe] => 21 [taux] => 30 ) [22] => Array ( [groupe] => 22 [taux] => 30 ) ) [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ttc] => 168.00 [prix_remise_groupe_ht] => 0 [prix_remise_groupe_ttc] => 0 [remise_groupe_taux] => ) [16] => Array ( [variant_id] => 10469 [variant_insert_date] => 2024-03-29 16:11:14 [variant_update_date] => 2025-02-12 10:17:15 [variant_name] => Couverture sur mesure - modèle 5 - Epaisseur 10-15cm [variant_order] => 10469 [variant_activate] => 1 [variant_description] => [variant_reference] => CMHS [variant_code_ean] => [variant_code_sku] => [variant_stock_illimited] => 1 [variant_stock] => 0 [variant_weight] => 30000 [tax_id] => 1 [variant_tax_rate] => 20.00 [variant_buying_price_ex_vat] => 0.00 [variant_price_ex_vat] => 140.00000 [variant_price_inc_vat] => 168.00 [variant_eco_tax] => 0.00 [variant_price_discount_ex_vat] => 0.00000 [variant_price_discount_inc_vat] => 0.00 [variant_discount_rate] => 0.00000 [variant_illustration] => 11879 [variant_media] => [variant_text1] => 5 [variant_text2] => 1 [variant_text3] => 1 [variant_text4] => 1 [variant_text5] => 1 [variant_text6] => 1 [variant_text7] => 0 [variant_text8] => epaisseur_10_15 [article_id] => 5366 [variant_discount_start_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_discount_end_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_degressive_price_activate] => 1 [variant_degressive_price] => [variant_group_discount] => 14:30|15:30|16:30|19:30|20:30|21:30|22:30 [illustration] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_comment] => Modèle Couverture sur-mesure Forme 5 Be Spa [media_id] => 11879 [media_name] => couverture-sur-mesure-be-spa-forme-5.webp ) ) [rupture] => 0 [stock] => 100 [promotion] => non [prix_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_ttc] => 168.00 [prix_hors_promo_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_hors_promo_ttc] => 168.00 [discount_rate] => 1 [tableau_prix_degressif_base] => Array ( ) [tableau_prix_degressif] => Array ( ) [tableau_remise_groupe] => Array ( [14] => Array ( [groupe] => 14 [taux] => 30 ) [15] => Array ( [groupe] => 15 [taux] => 30 ) [16] => Array ( [groupe] => 16 [taux] => 30 ) [19] => Array ( [groupe] => 19 [taux] => 30 ) [20] => Array ( [groupe] => 20 [taux] => 30 ) [21] => Array ( [groupe] => 21 [taux] => 30 ) [22] => Array ( [groupe] => 22 [taux] => 30 ) ) [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ttc] => 168.00 [prix_remise_groupe_ht] => 0 [prix_remise_groupe_ttc] => 0 [remise_groupe_taux] => ) [17] => Array ( [variant_id] => 10470 [variant_insert_date] => 2024-03-29 16:11:14 [variant_update_date] => 2025-02-12 10:17:15 [variant_name] => Couverture sur mesure - modèle 6 - Epaisseur 10-15cm [variant_order] => 10470 [variant_activate] => 1 [variant_description] => [variant_reference] => CMHS [variant_code_ean] => [variant_code_sku] => [variant_stock_illimited] => 1 [variant_stock] => 0 [variant_weight] => 30000 [tax_id] => 1 [variant_tax_rate] => 20.00 [variant_buying_price_ex_vat] => 0.00 [variant_price_ex_vat] => 140.00000 [variant_price_inc_vat] => 168.00 [variant_eco_tax] => 0.00 [variant_price_discount_ex_vat] => 0.00000 [variant_price_discount_inc_vat] => 0.00 [variant_discount_rate] => 0.00000 [variant_illustration] => 11880 [variant_media] => [variant_text1] => 6 [variant_text2] => 1 [variant_text3] => 1 [variant_text4] => 1 [variant_text5] => 1 [variant_text6] => 1 [variant_text7] => 0 [variant_text8] => epaisseur_10_15 [article_id] => 5366 [variant_discount_start_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_discount_end_date] => 0000-00-00 [variant_degressive_price_activate] => 1 [variant_degressive_price] => [variant_group_discount] => 14:30|15:30|16:30|19:30|20:30|21:30|22:30 [illustration] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_comment] => Modèle Couverture sur-mesure Forme 6 Be Spa [media_id] => 11880 [media_name] => couverture-sur-mesure-be-spa-forme-6.webp ) ) [rupture] => 0 [stock] => 100 [promotion] => non [prix_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_ttc] => 168.00 [prix_hors_promo_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_hors_promo_ttc] => 168.00 [discount_rate] => 1 [tableau_prix_degressif_base] => Array ( ) [tableau_prix_degressif] => Array ( ) [tableau_remise_groupe] => Array ( [14] => Array ( [groupe] => 14 [taux] => 30 ) [15] => Array ( [groupe] => 15 [taux] => 30 ) [16] => Array ( [groupe] => 16 [taux] => 30 ) [19] => Array ( [groupe] => 19 [taux] => 30 ) [20] => Array ( [groupe] => 20 [taux] => 30 ) [21] => Array ( [groupe] => 21 [taux] => 30 ) [22] => Array ( [groupe] => 22 [taux] => 30 ) ) [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ht] => 140.00000 [prix_hors_remise_groupe_ttc] => 168.00 [prix_remise_groupe_ht] => 0 [prix_remise_groupe_ttc] => 0 [remise_groupe_taux] => ) ) ) ) 1
Je souhaite rejoindre le réseau Be Spa

Avec Be Spa, vous rejoignez un réseau composé de près de 100 magasins. C’est une excellente occasion pour faire croître votre entreprise et réaliser de nouveaux objectifs avec le soutien nécessaire.

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